This blog is maintained for the benefit of the entire fraternity of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax Officer's

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Ensuing Convention of the AICEIA - Compliances Pending from Circles/ Branches, Some Organisational Issues

Ensuing Convention of the AICEIA - Compliances Pending from Circles/ Branches, Some Organisational Issues

Dear Comrades,

Many of our Circles and Branches have been negligent towards organisational issues. With a Convention just round the corner, it is high time that we spruce up our units to ring in some welcome change. Very soon it will be farewell time  for a majority of the office bearers of most of the units, as en masse promotions in course of  the Restructuring would be effected.

The average age of officers populating the cadre too would soon go down by a good  ten or twelve years, and there would thus  be a generational shift in the profile of the Central Excise Inspector, and it is  only fair and imperative that this  should be reflected in the new set of office bearers at every level of our organisation. The issues that confront the generation next of the cadre too are somewhat different - All India Seniority, Inter Zonal Transfers, New Pension Scheme  and the like, and those can be best addressed by a younger set of office bearers.

It is the responsibility of the present regional leadership of the Association to ensure that able successors are found immediately and fostered to make them ready to shoulder the new responsibilities, in those units where it has not already happened. Equally important is that willing and public spirited young men and women must come forward and accept responsibilities at all levels of the organisation. 

We  have been getting calls from some Units informing that elections are overdue there, but not being held  citing one reason or the other. This is deplorable, and cannot be tolerated since it affects the healthy functioning of the organisation. WHEREVER ELECTIONS ARE DUE, PLEASE GET THEM HELD IMMEDIATELY. OR ELSE, AT LEAST GET A GENERAL BODY MEETING HELD AND APPROPRIATE DECISION IN THIS REGARD BE TAKEN AND COMMUNICATED IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER TO THE ALL INDIA BODY.

An initiative which this Committee had pushed right from the beginning of its tenure was  to get the performance of all units recorded and reviewed  every six months by compiling  information relevant to the organisation in a format. Unfortunately, it  has not met with much success so far. The intent was to let the units themselves evaluate their own working, identify shortcomings if any, and take necessary remedial steps. In the process accounts of the Central Committee too could be got updated, since our Treasurer is always severely handicapped not just because units do  not pay their dues on time, but do not even submit information about their membership, nor copies of their DDO certificates, which in turn renders it impossible for him to update the dues position, compile the All India body’s accounts  and get them audited. Even under these very difficult circumstances, our Treasurer   Com. Ashish Biswas (09826960962) has done an exceptionally good job, and I request all Unit Secretaries and/ other  office bearers to fully co-operate at least this one time, so that this Committee can hand over charge to the next with correct accounts, and a comfortable bank balance to begin with. Though Recognition is not an immediate concern, it is essential that DDO Certificates be compiled on an yearly basis, and kept in readiness at all times. We wish none of the Committees succeeding us would have have to face the kind of  difficulties we faced last year in this connection, though we ultimately succeeded in getting the Recognition renewed for  five years.

Despite the poor response from the regional formations, we feel it prudent and essential to persist with the reporting system initiated earlier. Placed hereunder is a format which is to be compulsorily sent  (filled in correctly and completely and with DDO Certificates enclosed) latest by 31.05.2014  by all Units intending to effectively participate in the ensuing Trivandrum Convention. It may be noted that Voting Rights of Units shall also be determined and decided on this basis. Regional Vice Presidents and Joint Secretaries  shall monitor progress in this regard within their respective charges, and the Organising Secretary Com. Devender Kumar  shall co-ordinate this entire exercise. General members in each formation are requested to contact their Unit office bearers and ensure that the needful is done in this regard within the specified time frame so that the proper representation or franchise of the unit does not suffer  on account of   negligence of any office –bearer.

A Memorandum is required to be submitted in a few weeks to the Seventh Pay Commission. Please send you suggestions on this  at the earliest at, with a copy endorsed to our Jt Secretary (South)  Com.M.Chokkalingam (who has volunteered to prepare the draft Memorandum) at his mail id  .    

Trust that  all concerned will accord to the above issues the attention and urgency deserved.

Yours fraternally,

Ajit Kumar K G

Secretary General

Information to be sent by e-mail latest by 31.05.2014 at and  by all Circles/ Units/ Branches participating in  the AICEIA  Convention at Trivandrum on 27.06.14 and  28.06.14

please enclose scanned copies of DDO certificates and documents indicating details of remittances made ]

Name of the Circle/Branch/Unit:

Address for Correspondence:

Secretary:   Name:                                                   Cell No.                                    email

President:   Name:                                                    Cell No.                                    email

Area  and  formations covered by the Unit:

Date since when present Committee has been in office:

Date of last elections:

Due date for next elections:

If due date elapsed, reasons for delay in holding elections, details of authorization obtained for postponing elections, and date by when elections will be positively conducted:

Total Working Strength of Inspectors of Central Excise on 31.03.2014 in the Formations claimed to be represented by the Unit :

Total Membership  on 31.03.2014 in the Formations claimed to be represented by the Unit:

Details of DDO Certificates being  submitted by the unit:

          No. of Certificates:

No. of members as per the Certificate(s) :

Period to which it pertains:

No. of members in respect of whom DDO Certificates  not submitted:

Amount outstanding as payable to All India body  on 31.03.2013:
[With detailed break –up, including when all previous dues were cleared, if that is stated to be  the case]

During  F Y 2013-14:

No. of  new members enrolled :

Membership Admission fee collected from them :

Amount remitted  to  All India Body  on above account:

Amount received as subscription from all members :

Amount remitted to All India Body as its share on above account:
 (please enclose scanned copy of  document indicating remittance details)

Any expenses incurred during this period on behalf of All India Body (with full details including copies of receipts, with a signed statement certifying the same, by the office bearer who actually spent the concerned amount  )

Date and Place :                                        Signature: …………………………………

                                                 Name of the   Secretary:…………………………………                                                                                      (or office bearer signing on his behalf)                                                                                
                                                                   Branch/Circle/Unit ………………………………………..

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